No win-switching
Even though we understand it's very frustrating to play in a team that doesn't work together, doesn't PTFO and doesn't use vehicles to push, we feel that switching to the winning team in a losing match, is not the right solution. We already have many AMG- and community-members that join the losing team when they join the server or swap to the losing team when they feel the game is unbalanced. If players start team-switching to the winning team, that's very disrespectful towards the players that do their best to balance, and also towards the other players in your team that do their best to win.
If you get caught team-switching you can get swapped back by one of the admins. A second violation against this rule results in a kick from the server. If there is a difference between the teams of 150 tickets or more, or when all but one objective is captured, an admin can consider your swap as a switch for a win and that grants them the right to swap and/or kick you. Inform the admins of your reason to avoid this. If you join the server and switch to the other team to play with a friend within the first minutes of your session, we will not consider it as "win switching". The rule only exists to improve balance on our servers, no to avoid team-play.